23 December 2011

Scenario 2: Emergency procedures Part 2

This post focuses on emergency procedures to be carried out in the case of injuries due to radiological hazards. In this context, injury types are broadly segmented into two categories; severe injuries and minor injuries (not requiring hospitalisation). Treatment should be conducted immediately to minimise detriment to the injured person.

Treatment of serious injuries takes precedence over any other consideration and assistance to the jured should be provided immediately, regardless of radiation contamination.

In case of serious injuries:

  • Flush contaminated minor cuts with large volumes of tepid running water, while spreading the edges of the gash.
  • Remove the individual from the contaminated area.
  • Use an emergency shower to rapidly wash off or dilute the contaminant. Watch out for slippery floors.
  • Remove contaminated clothing and isolate for later evaluation.
  • If necessary, flush eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Cotton swabs can be used to clean ear and nasal passages.
  • Provide a blanket or dry clothing to the individual and have them sit down when possible to avoid fainting due to the shock of the cold water and the stress of the situation. 
  • If ingestion of contamination is suspected, consider the need to perform timely bioassay.
  • Notify the lab supervisor and appropriate personnel, requesting emergency medical assistance
  • Advise the lab supervisor of the radiation haz­ard, the amount and chemi­cal form of the material, any other important information
  • Advise emergency personnel of the radioactive material, extent of contamination, nature of the injuries and other relevant information. Be available for further consultation
  • Ensure that the victim cannot be further contaminated by radioactive material
  • Minimize the possibility of contamination of emergency medical personnel. Ensure that they do not take personal risk.
  • Notify permit holder immediately: RPS (Remedial Priority Scoring) will be notified by Campus Police.

In case of minor wounds:

  • Treat the wound immediately at or near the site of the accident
  • Clean the affected area with sterile swabs
  • Wash the contaminated wound with warm water to encour­age minor bleeding
  • Wet skin and apply soap
  • Work up a good lather; keep lather wet.
  • Work lather into contaminated area by rubbing gently for two or three minutes. Apply water frequently.
  • Rinse area with tepid water.
  • Repeat procedure several times if necessary, using a soft brush to gently scrub the affected area. Discontinue before skin becomes abraded or sensitive. Apply hand cream if skin becomes chapped.
  • If your hands are contaminated, pay particular attention to monitoring between fingers and under nails. Clip nails if necessary to remove fixed contamination. Only after several attempts with soap and water should harsher decontamination methods and cleaning agents are considered
  • The benefits of decontamination should be weighed against the potential injury caused by harsher methods of decontamination.
  • In the case of facial wounds, protect the mouth, ears, eyes and nose from contamination
  • Wash wound with mild soap and water, repeating as necessary.
  • After decontamination, apply first aid dressing.
  • Notify the permit holder and RPS immediately.


Elmer, P. (2011). Guide to the Safe Handling of Radioactive Materials in Research. Retrieved from http://shop.perkinelmer.com/content/manuals/gde_safehandlingradioactivematerials.pdf 

Furr, A. K. (2000) CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety. (5th ed.). FL: CRC Press.

Montgomery, L. (1995) Health and Safety Guidelines for the Laboratory. USA: ASCP Press.

Nave, C., R. (2011). Radioactivity. Retrieved from http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/nuclear/radact.html 

Princeton University. (2007). Radiation Safety Guide. Retrieved from http://web.princeton.edu/sites/ehs/radsafeguide/rsg_sec_17.htm

Tangen, L. (Ed.). (2006) Handling radioactive waste. Retrieved from Norwegian University of Science and Technology website: http://www.ntnu.no/hms/retningslinjer/HMSR35E.pdf

United States Environmental Protection Agency(2011). Radiation Protection: Health Effects. Retrieved from http://epa.gov/radiation/understand/health_effects.html

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